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David Gilmore
Intel, USA

Kristina Höök
SICS, Sweden

Important Dates:
  • 14 July 2005: Last date to request a mentor for Experience Reports and Interactivity submissions.
  • 14 October 2005, 5:00PM (1700) PDT: Submissions due for Panels, Experience Reports, HCI Overviews, the Interactivity, and novel formats.
  • Week of 16 December 2005: Notification of acceptance for 14 October submissions.
  • 13 January 2006, 5:00PM (1700) PST: SIG proposals due.
  • Week of 6 February 2006: Notification of acceptance for SIGs.
  • 17 February 2006: Final camera ready copy due.
Additional Information: Message from Kia and David, Design Community Co-Chairs:
While most of the HCI literature can be seen as part of an engineering-science practice (with an emphasis on the acquisition and interpretation of 'facts'), the CHI2006 Design Community will focus on how arts and engineering come together in the construction, study and interpretation of created objects (maybe more like the study of literature and criticism). The Design Community for CHI2006 continues the spirit of the Design-Expo and encourages contributions inspired by art, craft and the humanities that offer insights and new understanding to the broader CHI community.
With new submission categories and presentational styles, CHI2006 is reaching out to communities whose work contributes to the human experience of technology. We want to invite you to interact, inform and inspire us with your work and your experiences. Designers (whether focused on interactions, information architecture, graphic design, communications or other components) make a very significant contribution to the user experience of technology products, devices, services and more.

At CHI2006 we want the audience to experience innovative interaction concepts, hear stories of the design process for real products (and services, etc) and be informed about how design elements change the experience and use of technology products. In particular, we want to hear from
  • designers who have developed innovative software, devices, services or web experiences that might help us all break out of the molds of user interaction;
  • designers who are interested in creating more integrated design and development processes in which design is no longer just 'icing on the cake' (or 'lipstick on a pig');
  • designers who can describe the process through which they arrived at a particular design, be it sketching, user studies, or reflections on meaning;
  • designers who have entered entirely new domains for design, such as designing for the third world, green (environmentally friendly, sustainable) designs or green design processes, provocative designs, and more;
  • designers who simply would like to encourage a deeper reflection on the design of product behaviors and user experiences.
Types of Submissions
The design community invites submissions for panels, special interest groups (SIGs), HCI overviews, the interactivity, and experience reports. We also encourage you to submit, to the appropriate venue, research papers, CHI notes, works-in-progress, proposals for courses, and workshops that are relevant to design. The descriptions below outline the key characteristics of each type of community submission. In addition, the chairs welcome proposals for other events that serve the goals of the design community; we will work with submitters to shape these novel proposals into activities that will advance exchanges and understanding within the community.

Experience Reports
These may cover a full development case study, might be about the experience of a single method or tool, or they may be the juxtaposition of 2 or 3 different experiences. The submissions can be of varying length,

These are things that have been designed, that the audience would be interested to see or feel, where the story is less important than the experience of the artifact itself. The submission must explain why the audience would be interested in this artifact. In experience reports it is expected that audience will be interested in the story more than the finished device, whereas artifacts have a less interesting story and the interest for the audience is in the thing itself.

Panels are a format for thoughtful and provocative discussion about improving the way we design systems for people. When topic can be considered from 2-4 different perspectives, it generally makes a good panel topic. For design these perspectives may relate to the experience of having designed very different products. Topics that might make compelling design panels might include:

Interdisciplinary empathy:
  • How do we enable the different disciplines involved in design to better understand each other?
  • What is the role of disciplinary expertise in enabling great design innovations?
  • What are the different design disciplines we need and how well do they understand each other?
Sharing human experience:
  • what techniques can we use to enable team members to better understand the experience they are designing?
  • How do we retain the human experience rationale throughout the long and tortuous design process?
Marrying design with research:
  • Is it possible to do research about design, through design, as a designer?
  • What are the theoretical strands that design research could build upon?
HCI Overviews
We're especially interested in receiving HCI Overview submissions from places where interdisciplinary design work is actually happening - whether in research or practice. We want to hear about how work is planned, how projects and teams are structured and some self-criticism about what works and what doesn't.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Special interest groups provide an opportunity for those who share a particular interest to come together to explore ideas. They can take many forms. They can be discussions, planned presentations, question and answer sessions. Special Interest Groups offer an excellent way for bringing together a diverse group of designers facing similar issues. Some possible SIG topics are:
  • the design challenges of particular markets or segments
  • strategies for persuasion about human-centered design
  • designing in a global world for and with different cultures
  • issues for 'green' sustainable design processes
CHI 2006 will try to provide mentors for individuals planning to submit an Experience Report or an Interactivity. Please see Mentoring for more information. The deadline to request a mentor is 14 July 2005.

Review Criteria
All submissions will be reviewed based on the clarity of the information and the potential contribution to the field of Design. The individual submission categories have additional review criteria (which you can find in the description of each category).

Preparing Your Submission
Please see the pages on Panels, SIGs, Experience Reports, HCI Overviews, and the Interactivity for detailed information on what information is needed for each type of submission. All community submissions will use the Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format. Submissions for Panels, HCI Overviews, and novel formats are to be sent to chi2006-design@acm.org no later than 14 October 2005, 5:00 PM (1700) PDT. Submissions to the Interactivity and Experience Reports are to be uploaded to the CHI 2006 submission website by the same deadline. SIG proposals should be sent to chi2006-design@acm.org by 13 January 2006, 5:00 PM (1700) PST. Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.

Upon Acceptance
You will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your submission the week of 16 December 2005. Accepted submissions will be published in the conference Extended Abstracts. The contact person will receive instructions for preparing the final version of the extended abstract and other information about presentation logistics.

Design Community Submission Checklist
  • Read all the above material and the Submissions Requirements section for the particular category you are submitting to (Panel, SIG, Experience Report, HCI Overview, Interactivity).
  • If you are submitting something in a novel presentation format, contact the Design Chairs (chi2006-design@acm.org) well before the 14 October 2005 deadline.
  • Prepare a submission in the format required by your submission category, using the Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format.
  • Create a PDF file of your submission and test that your PDF file prints correctly.
  • Email your Panel, HCI Overview, or novel format submission to chi2006-design@acm.org no later than 14 October 2005, 5:00 PM (1700) PDT.
  • updated Submit your Interactivity or Experience Report to the CHI 2006 submission web site under the appropriately named venue no later than 14 October 2005, 5:00 PM (1700) PDT.
  • Email your SIG proposal to chi2006-design@acm.org no later than 13 January 2006, 5:00 PM (1700) PST