25 April 2006
16:30 - 18:00


Paper Olfoto: Designing a Smell-Based Interaction
Study looking at the use of smell to evoke memories to help recall of digital photos. Can help designers use smell effectively and users to search for images more efficiently.
Stephen Brewster
David McGookin
Chris Miller

Note The television will be revolutionized: effects of PVRs and filesharing on television watching
Presents the first study of the effects of personal video recorders (PVR) and filesharing on TV watching. Illustrates the changing 'media lifecycle' of TV and new design concepts.
Barry Brown
Louise Barkhuus

Paper Personal vs. commercial content: The similarities between consumer use of photos and music
Our work explores similarities between consumer use of music and photos based on two separate ethnographic studies. This work contributes new insights for applications that manage and share digital content.
Frank Bentley
Crysta Metcalf
Gunnar Harboe

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