25 April 2006
14:30 - 16:00

Design: Creative and Historical Perspectives

Paper Dispelling Design as the Black Art of CHI [Best of CHI Nominee]
This paper differentiates creative design from user centered design. A key contribution of this work is an example providing a framework to CHI.
Tracee Vetting Wolf
Jennifer A. Rode
Jeremy Sussman
Wendy A. Kellogg

Paper Interaction in Creative Tasks: Ideation, Representation and Evaluation in Composition
Identifies key factors in the individual and collaborative creative processes of composers, describes the design of a support tool, considers the application of this knowledge to supporting other creative activities.
Tim Coughlan
Peter Johnson

Paper Implications for Design [Best of CHI Nominee]
Provides an alternative account of the value of ethnographic work based on historical and conceptual exploration of ethnographic practice. Helps practitioners, researchers, and reviewers assess ethnographic studies and their contributions.
Paul Dourish

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